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one of the Olympic game values is excellence.the p...
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Thursday, April 9, 2009 | Time: 7:09 PM |

NAME:Mandy ong (15)
group members:feng yue ting (2)
Priscilla lim (16)
chew yee kiat (23)
zaneith leow (35)

[1]story write-up
One of the Olympic game values is excellence, the paralympians work hard and try their best to be excellent in the sport they are playing. They will not give up although they knew that they will lose in the competition, they still give their all to compete in the race. They are not going to give up as they want to be proud of their country even if they are physically disable and they wanted to prove that they are no difference from any normal human beings. Examples are: Michael Phelps, he did not give up even though he did not win a medal, he stills continue to train himself to swim better then before and finally made a name for himself in he next upcoming swimming competition. This shows that he have the value of excellence.
The next Olympic values are friendship, when the paralympians were racing to be the first, even if they lose they are still making friends with each other. They will not destroy their friendship with each other even if his or her friends wins the race, they will still be friends and they will hope to fight together again and see who will win the next competition.
The other value is respect, they will respect the opponents who they are playing against, he will respect him even though they have to fight with each other in order to win. If they cheat, it will not be a fair game and the person will not respect him but instead despise him. In order to be a fair game, they must not cheat but follow the rules. Then they will be able to gain respect this way.
[2]Past photos

[3]recent photos

[4] self-reflection
I think that even though there are many people who are paralyzed, for example the paralympians , we may pity them and think that they are unfortunate to be born paralised.But that may not be what the paralympians think. They may feel very BLESSED or HORNERD even to be born in such a challenging and exciting position . I am sure that many disabled people look up to them as their role models and I personally feel that it is interesting and simply AMAZING to be a paralympian. To be a paralympian, you need more than just sheer will-power, You need COURAGE , RESPECT and most important of all FRIENDSHIP and SPORTSMANSHIP!!!

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