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SiglapSecondarySchool, 2E3

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Self-Reflection: Science,Sexual Education
Tuesday, March 10, 2009 | Time: 8:22 PM |

What i enjoyed most in this chapter:
I think heredity is the most interesting topic as i learnt more about why i looked and behave in the way i did...Everybody's different that's what makes life interesting and knowing how we are different , i really had fun(?).
What i think i did well in this chapter:
I do not think that i had success or improved in this chapter.I will try to work harder though.
What i found difficult or confusing:
I find the labeling of the parts(sideways) confusing as it is quite different and more complicated then the front view as it is not as simple and i had to guess which part is which part...i don't have a really good grasp of that area so i will work harder.
What i can do to improve:
I can ask people around me (that i know of) that are good in this topic and are confident about their answers to my question.But i will also try hard myself!!!

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